Analysis of BIM models and collaborative design reviews with virtual reality (VR) ushers in a revolutionary level of productivity for AEC teams. These workflows offers stakeholders the immediate capture of feedback, the ability to catch clashes and design flaws that might otherwise be missed, and a simplified coordination process. VR doesn’t merely offer users the opportunity to view their Navisworks or Revit models; it allows them to experience these models immersively, at 1:1 scale, fostering better spatial understanding and design decisions.

Nevertheless, the challenge of preparing 3D models and loading them into the VR environment has been a hurdle for many AEC teams. Traditional model preparation can be a time-consuming process which involves cleaning up the model (removing sections), optimizing it for performance (section boxing), and converting it into a format compatible with VR.

With no-prep model loading available in Autodesk Workshop XR, users can significantly reduce the frustrations and the time it takes to bring a model into VR – making the design review process more efficient and effective.

Previous errors in traditional model preparation

Preparing 3D models can introduce a myriad of errors or inaccuracies in the process.

Data loss: When simplifying large 3D models to make them VR-ready, data can be inadvertently removed or altered which can lead to critical information being omitted.

Geometry distortion: The process of reducing the complexity of a 3D model, often known as decimation, can lead to geometry distortion, which can impact the accuracy of the model.

Missing components: During model preparation for VR, it’s possible to inadvertently remove certain components or objects within the model. Missing structural elements can lead to incomplete representation and errors in design reviews.

Compatibility errors: Converting 3D models from one format to another for VR compatibility can sometimes introduce errors that can lead to structural, material, or component errors in the VR model.

Complex MEP interactions: With 3D models, complex interdependencies between components and systems may exist. Model preparation can unintentionally disrupt these interactions, causing errors that could have significant implications for design and engineering decisions.

Streamline the VR workflow

These past time-consuming steps are no longer relevant with Workshop XR. Its new no-prep model loading capabilities streamlines the workflow, enabling teams to focus on the design and analysis rather than the technical tasks of preparation.

Workshop XR users can access and experience their Navisworks and Revit files straight from their centralized source of truth in Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC) through Autodesk Docs. The model can be immediately added to a dynamic virtual workshop—a comfortable, connected, and safe workspace to create productive meetings in virtual reality. Teams can even change models directly from ACC during the same Workshop XR meeting.

AEC teams can easily experience and analyze their models together in real-time. Stakeholders are able to load specific parts of their complete model one section at a time. The remaining model data is always available in the queue and responds dynamically when the team moves to another section of the model to review.

This new no-prep offering offers a range of advantages that enhance efficiency, collaboration, and precision in AEC projects. With Autodesk Workshop XR, teams are able to rethink how they collaborate with different versions of the same location and alternate views on the spot within a virtual environment. Instead of the individual structural, MEP, and architecture models, they can begin to centralize collaboration in one model. This centralization reduces the risk of costly errors and improves alignment among stakeholders.

No-prep model loading accelerates the design process, improves decision-making, and fosters a more sustainable and client-friendly approach to project management. Explore the advantages of easily uploading a model into VR by requesting a free trial with Autodesk Workshop XR.