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Yes, a 30-day free trial is available on a waitlist basis. Simply register your interest and join the waitlist here.  

To create the best user experience for Autodesk Workshop XR, we will initially release product access to a small group of users. We will roll out access to more users with time. 
Sign up for the waitlist to stay updated when Workshop XR is available for you to trial and purchase. 

Yes, access to Workshop XR is via a VR headset. Meta Quest 2, Meta Quest 3, and Meta Quest Pro headsets are all supported. 

No. You dont need a Facebook account to access Workshop XR. However, in order to use the supported Quest headsets, you will need a Meta account.

The automatic data connectivity and synced issue tracking features of Workshop XR are made possible with Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC). Workshop XR connects to ACC via Autodesk Docs. With every Workshop XR license, free access to Autodesk Docs is included. This gives you direct access to projects, files, members, and issues.   

Autodesk Revit and Autodesk Navisworks are supported.

Workshop XR is an untethered VR solution meaning that it does not require a PC connection. Everything runs on a standalone Meta Quest headset (Meta Quest 2, 3, and Pro). High-speed Internet or Wi-Fi with at least 30 mbps download speed is recommended for optimal performance.

Yes, you can access your project files from BIM 360. 

Not today, no. Autodesk Workshop XR adds to the Autodesk portfolio of XR solutions, but we see Workshop XR as the future of XR connected experiences for our customers. As we shift our investments and resources to Workshop XR, it can eventually replace The Wild and Prospect by IrisVR. We will provide time and support to help customers of these two products migrate over to Workshop XR. 

Using Workshop XR is a more efficient, engaging, and sustainable form of design review collaboration for AEC teams. By immersing stakeholders in a shared workspace where they can experience models together at 1:1 scale, teams can more effectively communicate design intent and coordinate with their models, leading to better spatial understanding, faster problem solving, and more confident decisions.

With no prep required on your end, Workshop XR will be able to load supported 3D models from Autodesk Construction Cloud. 

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See how Autodesk Workshop XR can elevate your design review
process and add value to the complete project lifecycle.

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